This recipe is determined again by its quantity so for preparation of dough – take certain amount of butter, sugar equal to the half of butter's weight and flour equal to the double weight of butter. Add 2 dag of baking powder for every 1 kg of ingredients. Knead the dough ready and leave it for a while to be still, then re-knead it again and shape the small balls, each weighting to approx. 3 dag. Bake them on the oiled metal sheet in the oven. After they are baked, leave them to get cold a little and then hollow out the centre core of every one of them.
Knead the stuffing ready with the following ratio of quantities: grind down the dough from the centre core of breskvice, add the equal amount of mixture of walnuts and almonds, 1 small spoon of peach-jam, 1 dag of vanilla sugar and 1 dl of rum. Fill up the centre cores of half of breskvice, being hollowed out, with that stuffing; connect them and stick them together with the mixture and then colour them with pastry colour in a way that one half is peach-coloured and another half of breskvice is yellow-coloured. Afterwards roll them into sugar.