Wine Growing

Hercegovina - Mother of winemaking

Wine Growing

Herzegovina is a region which can be proud of the tradition in grape wine growing for at least 2200 years.

Wine Grape

A quality wine grape (Vitis vinifera) has been a man's companion through entire history. As it is not known what is the exact time when the man made the wheel or when he discovered and started using the benefits of fire – so it is not known either when he started dealing with wine growing and wine production. It is only known that the companionship between the man and the wine started a long time ago and that the man became aware of the benefits of this drink.

Even Noah from the Old-Testament as soon as he left the Ark after the waters had been withdrawn after the big Flood - he planted a green shoot of wine grape, raised the vineyard and prepared the wine.


So, man and grape were together from the earliest beginnings so it can be said – where the history of human race starts, the wine grape is also present there. It is not known when the man learnt how to make wine. Did it happen accidentally as it is the case with the most of good things in history? Who can say that some time in the old days somebody did not forget to drink a grape-juice and the nature turned it to the healthiest drink in the world, the drink of the Gods, the nectar of life?!

Herzegovina is a region which can be proud of the tradition in grape wine growing for at least 2200 years. In our family we have always had a special love for tradition in wine growing. Being taught by experience from our old men, we have made a breakthrough by keeping the originality in preparation of home wine even today and we have offered an excellent wine from our own production - HERZOG.